sábado, 23 de abril de 2011


Dancing bunny and easter eggsI Saw a Little Bunny

I saw a little bunny

going hop, hop, hop.

I said, "Please, Mr. Bunny,

won't you stop, stop, stop."

He flapped his big, long ears

and had no word to say,

And before I could get near him

he had hop, hop, hopped away!


3 comentários:

  1. Do not forget to get in touch and up to date, your blog is really useful that's why I also added on my favorite ones. Carlos, owner of English Tips

  2. Thanks for your contact carlos! We're trying to up to date it...time is short and we have just finished an event. I'll publish everything next week.Let's keep in touch!


  3. A Aplitins sempre se supera... E supera as minhas expectativas também!
    Infelizmente esse ano não tive a oportunidade de participar da mesma forma que participei nos anos anteriores, mas o que assisti ja valeu a pena!

    Continuemos na luta meninas!
    Bjo enorme Professorinha do meu coração Elisa Alcantara!
    Bjo pra Jackie e pra Alê!

    AmO muito vcs!
    Obrigada pela confiança de sempre, abraço.
