sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010


    Dear Aplitiners,
  The one day seminar in Gurupi is coming!
November 6th


   Até 10 de Outubro de 2010 / Até dia 05 de outubro / No evento

Estudantes e membros com anuidade quitada até 2009 R$ 15,00 R$ 20,00 R$ 25,00

Não membros e membros com anuidade em atraso anterior a 2008 R$ 25,00 R$ 30,00 R$ 40,00

Novos membros - Filiação: R$ 10,00, incluso no valor ao lado R$ 35,00 R$ 40,00 R$ 50,00


Membros filiados antes de 2009 com anuidade quitada até 2010 - FREE

Membros que quitarem anuidades até 2009, pagarão R$ 15,00, R$ 20,00 e R$ 25,00 respectivamente

Para efetuar pagamentos de anuidade ou inscrição dos seminários:

Ag. 1505-9 Banco do Brasil
C/C 33 930-X


Envie um projeto de sua escola ou apresente uma comunicação ou plenária sobre o ensino de língua inglesa. Interessados enviar um e.mail para  ou . Receberemos as propostas até o dia 15 de Setembro.

terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010


We had a great time in Palmas! Many teachers, students and colaborators were involved in the last Aplitins Seminar. Take a look at the photos and the presentations titles.The next seminar is going to be in November, Gurupi!Come and JOIN US!!

Sylmara e Jaqueline from APLITINS board

Opening Ceremony-
Alessandra Quirino-APLITINS President

Daniel Duarte from Cambridge University Press-A great partner!

Title of  presentation: The road less travelled

Vinícius Nobre is a teacher trainer at CELLEP, ICELT and CELTA tutor. He is also a Pearson Longman Author and BRAZ-TESOL Vice-President

Resume: "Are you only an English teacher or do you also work?" - have you ever been asked this question? In this talk about professional development, we will look at how the role of the teacher is perceived by society and how we can try to stand out as professionals. We will discuss practical ideas to find motivation within ourselves to be constantly improving and develop our career even more as a strong professional group – because together we can do much more

Title of presentation : Best practices in today’s world: what are they?

Speaker: Daniela Meyer is MA in Applied Linguistics (UFRJ), Academic Consultant (Cambridge University Press), EFL teacher and teacher trainer for the past 30 years

The impact of globalization and the spread of English have encouraged our rethinking of our knowledge base and instructional practices. What is the nature of these changes? What is their impact on our teaching? And, most importantly, how do these changes affect our students?

Future English Teachers
Title of presentation:Continuous Professional Development with the British Council
Graeme Hodgson-Director of English Language, British Council Brazil
English Teachers
-Title of presentation:A Study about the Role of an English Teachers’ Association

Elisa Alencar is an English Teacher at UFT-Campus Araguaína-TO, Master in Applied Linguistics (UnB) and APLITINS vice-president

Resume: the result of a study about the importance of an English teachers' Association and its impact on professional competence of the associated teachers.The study tried to analyse and observe, through classes observation, questionaries and interviews , the effect of the Association job in teachers' classroom routine. it also studied the development of professional competence of the teachers who participated on the research.

English Teachers
Title of  presentation: O lúdico na sala de aula de língua Inglesa

Diego D'almagro-UFT Letras student
Campus Araguaína-TO

Resume: Some theory about the use of games and how teachers can use them in their classes.

English Teachers

Aplitins group: Fátima Bagatinne-APLITINS treasurer(on the right), Rosana Morales- APLITINS project coordinator (in the middle), Natividade - APLITINS project coordinator(on the left)
Opening cerimony
Alessandra Quirino-Aplitins President

Title of presentation: Blogosphere: a new tool to learn English

Speaker: Rejane Gonçalves is a master in Applied Linguisitcs and  English Teacher at UFT-Araguaína-TO

Resume: presented the blogosphere and how its several resources can be used to promote the English language learning. For that, I propose an itinerary through some blogs, as well as the observation of several available resources in the blogosphere, among them: the postage of written texts, images and videos and the comments that can be done concerning such postages. I hope, through this plenary talk, to show the possibilities of English language learning that can be offered by the blogosphere, besides facilitating the development of more autonomous and motivated learners.