quinta-feira, 10 de junho de 2010

The Seminar Was Great!!

 Hi everybody !
 APLITINS BOARD would like to thank all teachers, students and speakers, who shared experiences with great energy and effort in this seminar to improve  professional competence in Tocantins . We are very proud of our success in this event . Many thanks for your contribution, specially our associated teachers and Letras students who helped to support it! Let's remember the great English Poet John Donne who said in a poem " No man is an island entire of itself" , let's make his words part of our lives! Join us!!

here are some pictures of the event:

Speaker: Prof. Drª Lívia Doninni (USP)

Profªs Sara Walker, Líva Donnini, Jaqueline e Jane

Prof. Anilkmar- Bico do Papagaio

(Worshop Rosana Morales e Tania Rosa) A thematic class about nature
Students from Letras Course



Speaker: Prof. Ms. Paulo Kol

Future English teachers and English Teachers

Students presentation- Escola Estadual Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes


 Students presentation-Escola Estadual Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes/Sob orientação da prof. Luciana Garcia-sócia da Aplitins e Diretora Venúsia uma grande parceira!

See more pictures of the event clicking on the link below:
