quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012
sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012
Seminário APLITINS em Porto Nacional
Teaching and Learning English:
Practices, Perspectives and Challenges
Porto Nacional, 09-10 November 2012
Venue: CEM - Florêncio
07:30 - 08:30 – On site registrations and
09:00 - 09:20 – Cultural Moment –
Music: Someone like you – Adele – Matheus
Carvalho Silva e Rayza Dhuly Alves
Milhomens – Profª Elizabeth Dezem
– Col. Sagrado Coração de Jesus
09:20 – 09:40 - Opening cerimony
Washington Frota Martins - Diretor Regional de Ensino de Porto
Alessandra Fernandes da Silva Cintra -
Responsible for Setor Regional de
Desenvolvimento da Educação e Ensino Integral.
“Teaching and Learning English:
Practices, Perspectives and Challenges”
Elisa Alencar- Aplitins President-UFT
Alunos : André de
Souza Almeida ( Orientando da professora MA. Rejane de Souza Ferreira –
UFT- Porto Nacional)
Title of presentation: Literature: Macbeth: a good deal in English Language Lessons
Summary of
presentation: Literary texts stimulate the students to develop their critic point of
view at the same time they develop their learning abilities. It happens because
Literature represents the real and the writer’s words can be truly interpreted.
In this way, this panel intends to show some different ways to teachers use to
involve their students in English Language learning through Shakespeare’s play,
11:00 –
Time to
teach speaking
Prof. Sara Walker- British Council
With the World Cup and the Olympics coming to Brazil soon, tourism will increase
and the chances of our students having a real life opportunity to speak English
are improving. In this session, we will
look at some simple speaking activities to encourage students [and perhaps some
teachers] to overcome their inhibitions and start to speak English.
12:00 – Lunch break
14:00 – 14:30 – Socialization of
Immersion – Prof.ª Eva Caixeta – Col. Estadual Angélica Aranha.
14:30 – 16:00 -
Rubenilson Araújo –
UFT Porto Nacional - To
Title of
presentation: Professor de Língua Estrangeira na
contemporaneidade – formação (inicial e continuada) e motivação (intrínseca e
Summary of
presentation: Formação do professor de LE (Língua
Caráter multifacetado da carreira
Aspecto afetivo
Aspectos motivacionais:
Professor em e para si;
Agente no processo motivacional dos aprendentes
Rafael – UFT- Student – Letras Course ( Orientando do prof.º Rubenilson)
Title of presentation: Comics as reading in
English language – a strategic way to form the competent reader!
Summary of
presentation: This paper intends to discuss about reading theories in the educational
context. The research is in applied linguistics field. Our concepts are based
in Bakhtin ideas about gender texts. Our initial hypothesis is comics readings
can be a good strategically way to contribute for a competent reading in
English Language, so we develop a workshop with students from elementary school
with reading strategies of comics and it was satisfactory activity with
comprehension of texts.
Aline Clemente Pereira da Silva e Marcia Letrícia Gomes Barbosa – UFT –
Student Course – ( Orientandas do PIVIC da profª Ana Emília) - Porto Nacional
Title of presentation: Representations
about English Language Teaching Built by Teachers from Public Schools of Porto
Nacional and Region
Summary of presentation : In this communication we intend to present some results of
our research :O Desenvolvimento da Autonomia do Professor e do Aluno no
Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem de
Língua Inglesa em
Escolas Públicas de Porto Nacional, Tocantins. One of thegoals of the research is to accomplish a survey in the public
schools of Porto Nacional and region, in
order to identify which representations
are built by teachers regarding the English Language Teaching-learning,
and based on the results propose activities of understanding the importance of
learning a foreign language, looking for possible ways for the students to
produce their own knowledge, surpassing the limits of the school walls, in view
of their autonomy.
Until now, we have given some
questionnaires to the teachers. They were supposed to answer questions about
their practice so that we could analyze how they see the
English Language Teaching what their beliefs are, what teaching methods they
use in their classes. By reading the answers to the questionnaires we noticed
repeated textual configurations, similar points of view and similar methods of
16:00 – 16:30 - Coffee break
16:30-17:30 – WORKSHOPS
Workshop 1 – João Paulo F. Tinoco Machado; Márcia Letrícia G. Barbosa;
Natália Cristina de Oliveira – Graduandos
em Letras e Monitores do CECCLA – UFT – Profª Daniella Corciolli
Title of presentation: Some
helpful ways to improve the teaching and learning of English as a foreign
Summary of
presentation: This workshop aims at showing and
helping teachers to develop different techniques to teach English as a foreign
language. As students of Language Arts at Federal University of Tocantins and,
at the same time, English teachers at CECLLA, we have been led to the
reflection about our classes and to the way we deal with our students and their
learning of English language. The project - CECLLA (Centro de Estudos Continuados em Letras, Linguística e Artes)
- has given us the opportunity to improve our English learning and
teaching abilities. Therefore, we intend to share our experiences with other
teachers of English, helping them with some information and ideas to be applied
in their classrooms. Based on our lessons at CECLLA and on our own reflections
about different language teaching approaches and methods, we have chosen some activities
such as the use of ‘authentic’ language, realia, games, question-and-answer
drills and role-plays (Larsen-Freeman, 2010) to make it easier to teachers
working with the target language.
Workshop 2 – Everton
Francisco da Silva – CECCLA – UFT – Porto Nacional
Title of presentation: The Uses of
Affixes: Prefixes and Suffixes in English Language
Summary of
presentation: This workshop aims at showing to
elementary students of English language some clues about dealing with different
and new English words. It also aims at teaching them some easy ways to find out
the meaning of several words without the massive use of dictionaries. As we
know that the learning about the uses of different affixes - prefixes and
suffixes - can help elementary students in the difficult task of translating or
understanding English texts in the beginning of their learning, it is our
objective selecting and increasing students consciousness about some prefixes
and suffixes, that they commonly use without paying much attention to their
correct application, when learning English. In this workshop we intend to
develop the following steps: firstly we are going to select the most used
affixes. Secondly we are going to divide some words into categories to
demonstrate the ways a word turns into a verb, a noun or an adjective through
the use of affixes, reaching the point where students will realize how easy the
learning of English becomes when we apply some techniques smartly.
08:30 - 10:00 – PLENARY SESSION
The Teaching
of Speaking and Listening Skills: Can you do that?
Ana Emília Fajardo Turbin- UFT Porto Nacional
plenary talk will focus on the importance of speaking and listening skills in
the process of teaching the English language. It is very common to talk to
people who want to study English and they make it clear they want to have
conversations in the Foreign language. Even teachers from state and
municipal schools, when asked why they want to study English, answer
that the reason is to speak better
English. It seems that the spoken
discourse when the teacher is talking to their students needs to be enhanced,
and this should be a continued process for English teachers. It is important
for the teachers to learn techniques that make the class meaningful and
enjoyable for the students to develop their speaking and listening skills. The plenary will focus on a few
techniques in order to accomplish the objective of making teachers
and students talk more in the English classes.
10:00 – 11:30- WORKSHOPS
Workshop 1- Daniella Corciolli - UFT Porto Nacional –TO
Title of
presentation: The post method era: developing the
teacher’s sense of plausibility through the practice of reflection.
of presentation: This workshop aims at leading
English language teachers to know and think about different conceptions
concerning the most important methods and approaches used in language teaching
contexts. Based on the work of Prabhu (1990), we are going to promote teachers’
reflections about the roles and goals of different methods and about their own
roles as teachers, building or raising a sense of involvement that will lead
them to feel more conscious, responsible and autonomous about their work.
According to Rocha (2008), teachers need to develop and operate their work
considering their own understanding of what is adequate and possible to their
students, school or community. As we know, being able to formulate or choose a
set of practices that best match students’ needs is not easy without a deep
knowledge of cultural, social and contextual factors. Such as important as
favoring teachers’ development of personal conceptualization about their
teaching, it is crucial to make them reflect about what different approaches
and methods can offer or contribute to their work and, of course, about the
role of reflection itself.
Workshop 2- Elisa Alencar- UFT- Araguaína - TO
Title of presentation: Are you a green
Summary of
presentation : Sustainability has been a current topic at schools. Teachers are supposed to work
with the topics about the environment to make students more aware of their
responsibility as citizens of the world. This workshop aims to present some
practical and easy activities to be used in the classroom.
11:30 – 12:15
– Raffle and closure.
Até 05/11
No evento
Estudantes e
membros com anuidade quitada até 2011
(estudantes devem apresentar um comprovante)
R$ 35,00
Novos membros –
(inscrição+anuidade 2012)
Os novos
membros passarão a receber notícias, jornal da associação , e.mails , além de
contribuir para novos eventos.
R$ 55,00
Não Membros
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012
segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012
terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012
A APLITINS informa que as inscrições do XVIII estão sendo feitas nas escola CNA e Escola FISK. Interessados em se inscrever com antecedência procurar estes pontos de inscrição.
valores para o seminário APLITINS 2012:
Estudantes e membros com anuidade quitada até 2011-
20,00 até 15/08
35,00 no dia do evento
Novos membros – (inscrição+anuidade 2012)
Os novos membros passarão a receber notí
cias, jornal da associação , e.mails , além de contribuir para novos eventos, descontos com empresas parceiras CNA-FISK- Acesso a cursos de Formação Via DREs
40,00 até 15/08
55,00 no dia do evento
Não Membros-
50,00 até 15/08
65,00 no dia do evento
segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012
A APLITINS convida a todos os interessados em apresentar algum trabalho referente à Língua Inglesa para nos enviar seu trabalho e se inscrever para apresentá-lo. Serão aceitas comunicações sobre experiências em sala de aula, projetos feitos nas escolas, experiências em estágio supervisionado do curso de Letras e resumos de dissertações. Todos os tipos de experiências e práticas em sala de aula que envolvam a língua Inglesa serão bem vindos para compartilharmos. Os trabalhos poderão ser apresentados em Inglês ou português.Se você está interessado em mostrar seu trabalho , copie e preeencha o formulário abaixo , depois envie para elisa.alcantara22@gmail.com . As propostas deverão ser enviadas até dia 10 de Agosto de 2012. A APLITINS agradece a sua colaboração. Venha compartilhar com outros professores seus projetos, atividades bem sucedidas e idéias.
A direção
A direção
18Th English Teaching Seminar August 17/18th 2012 DIRETORIA REGIONAL DE ENSINO DE ARAGUAINA-DREA
THEME: Teaching and Learning English: Practices, challenges and Perspectives
School or institution:
Title of presentation:
Summary of presentation (120 words maximum):
Equipment required:
• Data show
• Computer
• Internet
• Whiteboard
• Other (please specify below)
Type of presentation (Please choose one):
Plenary talk (I hour of speaking- 20 minutes for questions from the public- The speaker must be practical and call participants’ attention with a good way of presentation)
Specific objectives for your session:
Workshop (participants must “do” and “be” involved in something during the workshop)
Specific objectives for your session:
Communication (15/20 minutes about any interesting topic you studied or researched)
Specific objectives for your session:
Project (20 min. to show a project you develop or developed in your school or university- tell good and bad points and share your experience)
Specific objectives for your session:
Poster ( show a poster with something relevant. It can be a project , a research, or an article. The poster must be done by the person who is presenting it. The person must explain to the others about the content)
Specific objectives for your session:
quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2012
segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
(para professores de Inglês)
Professora Alessandra Mara de
INSCRIÇÕES: de 21 a 30 de maio
LOCAL: Secretaria do Curso de
UFT – CIMBA (das 14 às 17h30)
Data do workshop: 31 de maio e 1º de junho de 2012
(das 13h30 às 17h30)
Vagas: 20
Local: Sala A (Bloco
Matemática) – UFT CIMBA
Avenida Paraguai esq. Com a
Rua Uxiramas, S/N, Setor CIMBA – CEP: 77.824-838, Araguaína – TO – Fone: (63)
2112-2219 – E-mail: letrasarag@uft.edu.br
sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012
Prezado Professor (a)
Esta é mais uma parceria da APLITINS, Creio que vocês poderão aprender muito com o curso abaixo.
A Heinle Cengage Learning que em parceria com a Educational Testing Services (ETS) reuniu uma equipe de especialistas em educação e ensino de idiomas para desenvolver um programa online - inovador e inédito - integrando desenvolvimento profissional e avaliação, destinado principalmente, mas não exclusivamente a professores de inglês do ensino fundamental e médio que lecionem em escolas publicas, e que precisam de melhorar seu inglês. São dois cursos:
Inglês-para-Ensino: Promove o uso de inglês no dia a dia do ensino do idioma em sala de aula. São 7 (sete) seções com estimativa para 50-70 horas que devera ser completado em até 3 meses. O TEEFT - Teste de Inglês para Ensino integra a parte final deste programa.
Conhecimento Profissional para Ensino de Inglês: é um curso de metodologia que incentiva o professor de inglês a pensar profissionalmente sobre suas atividades em classe. São 9 (nove) seções com estimativa para 50-70 horas que devera ser completado em até 3 meses. O TEPK - Teste de Conhecimento Profissional Essencial é aplicado no final do programa.
Estamos agora na fase de piloto, oferecendo a oportunidade para alguns professores fazer um dos dois módulos do programa totalmente sem custo, no período de 06 de maio a 15 de julho, para no final receber gratuitamente o certificado oficial da ETS.
Aqueles que completarem o curso e fizerem a avaliação, receberão também, como gratificação da CENGAGE Learning, uma anuidade da associação de professores de inglês BRAZ-TESOL (www.braztesol.org.br) .
Se você estiver interessado (a) em participar deste programa piloto, responda as questões abaixo no texto deste e-mail e envie para : elteachbrasil@terra.com.br o curso é gratuito e você ainda recebe um certificado no final.
1) Você tem disponibilidade para dedicar 5 a 7 horas semanais a um curso onde inglês online de alta qualidade (de maio a julho, 2012)? Sim Não
2) Informações pessoais
Local de Trabalho/Estudo:
Tel. res.:Celular:
Tel. Com.:Qual o melhor horário para um contato telefônico?
e-mail:Sexo: M___ F____
3) Marque com um X as opções de aplicam a você:
Leciono /estudo emHá quanto tempo?
Rede Municipal
Rede Estadual
Escola Particular
Ensino Fundamental
Ensino Médio
Curso livre de Inglês
Aulas particulares
Sou aluno de Letras
3. Como você classifica seu domínio do idioma inglês:
A APLITINS Agradece o seu interesse, e eles entrarão em contato com as pessoas que enviarem as informações acima por telefone/e-mail com informações adicionais sobre este projeto.
Elisa Borges de Alcântara Alencar
domingo, 11 de março de 2012
Workshop de Pronúncia
(para professores de Inglês)
Professora Alessandra Mara de Assis
INSCRIÇÕES: de 12 a 16 de março
LOCAL: Secretaria do Curso de Letras
UFT – Cimba
Data do workshop: 30 de março de 2012
(das 08 às 12 horas e das 14 às 18 horas)
Vagas: 20
Avenida Paraguai esq. Com a Rua Uxiramas, S/N, Setor CIMBA – CEP: 77.824-838, Araguaína – TO – Fone: (63) 2112-2219 – E-mail: letrasarag@uft.edu.br
sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012
Dear Aplitiners,
This is the new board for Aplitins from 2012/2014. We hope counting on you all in our events. We are going to post the dates for the next seminar in the blog as soon as we have organized it. Keep in touch!
President: Elisa alencar
Vice President:Alessandra Quirino
1st Secretary: Jaqueline Costa Rodrigues Nogueira
2nd Secretary: Mary Silva
1st Treasurer: Rosana Maria Martins Fernandes Morales
2nd treasurer: Leila Melquiades
Projects and Event Coordination (Palmas): Maria da Natividade Glória Ribeiro e Iveti da Silva Bacri
Projects and Event Coordination (Araguaina): Rejane Gonçalves (UFT) e Alessandra Mara Assis(UFT) Araguaína
Conselho Fiscal: Namma Mendes , Marcos Gadelha
Postagens (Atom)