Dear Aplitiners,
This is the new board for Aplitins from 2012/2014. We hope counting on you all in our events. We are going to post the dates for the next seminar in the blog as soon as we have organized it. Keep in touch!
President: Elisa alencar
Vice President:Alessandra Quirino
1st Secretary: Jaqueline Costa Rodrigues Nogueira
2nd Secretary: Mary Silva
1st Treasurer: Rosana Maria Martins Fernandes Morales
2nd treasurer: Leila Melquiades
Projects and Event Coordination (Palmas): Maria da Natividade Glória Ribeiro e Iveti da Silva Bacri
Projects and Event Coordination (Araguaina): Rejane Gonçalves (UFT) e Alessandra Mara Assis(UFT) Araguaína
Conselho Fiscal: Namma Mendes , Marcos Gadelha